Thursday, January 15, 2009

Making a list and checking it twice...

Makes sense doesn’t? If Santa does it why don’t we ‘make a list and check it twice, trying to find out who is naughty or nice!’

So, someone approaches you with a sweet business proposition. It sounds tempting… It looks good on the surface and the figures seem to add up. What do you do? Do you take them at a word and sign up, or do you check them out?

I think most people would run a check on this prospective business partner to try and find out who knows them, who has worked with them and if this idea is as good as it sounds.

Even if this deal comes from a friend – doesn’t your sixth sense tell you to speak to someone else about it first? How many of us have been burnt by going into business with friends?

So, how many of us apply this rule to people we date? I would like to know how many of you have Googled someone when you have met them, or tried to find out who this person really is before you embark on the journey of love.

Do we put as much effort into verifying information about a person who could potentially be a life partner as we do into someone who could potentially be a business partner?

Is it better to lose your money or to lose your sense of dignity, worth and come to think of it, possibly, money too?

Or, is it going too far? Is it an invasion of privacy?

You have questions? You need answers - we will give them to you?


  1. Hi Alima, congratulations on starting the blog. I am looking forward to reading your updates. I was hoping to see read about some scoundrels that you might have encountered as this is surely what has prompted you to start up the blog. So come on! Spill the beans! who are the scoundrels?

    Look forward to catching up with you sometime this year.

    NP xxx

  2. Like I said Nike, this is not a bitchfest and certainly not personal! Scoundrels? They are everywhere!

  3. Now there's a thought, Fact is one's an emotional decision guided by the heart and the other is a financial one guided by the head.. but lets get to the questions.. the signs unfortunately come only when the heart has kicked into full gear, so the solution lies in sharing with your closest friends who can still think with their heads.. now how many of us are willing to come out and say things ain't quite as rosy as they seem.. and thats all a function of timing.. and not being afraid to hear the worst possible truth ....

  4. Ilya deux manieres d'etre malheureux: ou desirer ce que I'on n'a pas, ou posseder ce que I'on desirant. (LOUYS) English Translation: There are two ways to become unhappy: to desire what you don't have or to have finally gotten what you have desired.

